You can book online Taxi for a Rohtang Pass, Manali to Rohtang Pass for a WHOLE day (full day) without paying any Extra charges. Call us on these Numbers, 9625811629, 8219341832 Facebook Page The Rohtang Pass What's App Click Here Manali to Rohtang Pass or Marhi Taxi Bookings Online are Open Book Now 9625811629 Rohtnag Pass is 53 km from the Manali and it is very Famous tours spot and heavy vehicles traffic area and also NGT restrict area. For a Rohtnag Pass every day only 800 Petrol and 400 desile Vehicles are allowed to go here. These 1200 Vehicles can go with online valid permit with here given by Himachal Tourism and NGT. Without Permit no vehicle can go here. If you book a taxi offline taxi price/Rate and Fare should be very Expensive compared with online price 2500 or 3000 extra. So you can Book Taxi here Online only paying online with 1000/2000 Advance. Our taxi service is cheaper then offline taxi booking services you can get Special Discount b...
Travel Information about Rohtang Pass and Manali taxi service for Rohtang pass permit information rohtang pass